How to Dominate the First Page of Google Search Results


A laptop sitting on a table showing the Google search page as hands type on the keyboard

How to Dominate the First Page of Google

May 1, 2024

Reaching the top of Google search results can boost your online presence significantly, leading to more visitors to your site and, eventually, through your doors. As a rule of thumb, you want your business to appear at least five times on the first page with different sources. There are several search engine optimization (SEO) avenues to take to influence your page dominance on Google, one of which is utilizing organic keyword-rich content.

In addition to paid digital advertising, which can appear above organic rankings on search result pages, the cornerstone of your SEO strategy should include high quality content such as:

Press releases

One of the main SEO benefits of press releases is backlinking. Adding hyperlinks within press releases, which are distributed to a global audience of journalists, helps garner traffic to your website from other sites. If you’ve chosen a newsworthy topic that is relevant to your target demographic, relevant media outlets and websites will pick up your release and share it amongst their audience. Since large media sources have higher content frequency and wider online visibility, it gives your business’ press releases a higher chance of appearing toward the top of search results, maybe even before your actual website.


More than any other pages on your website, blogs are the perfect opportunity to create relevant content that is rich with top-searched keywords and will boost organic traffic. By posting consistently, blogs offer so many chances to answer the hundreds of thousands of queries people in your area are searching for. For blogs to effectively reach the top spots on Google, it’s important to identify your target audience, conduct keyword research and formulate a catchy title that either begs a question, showcases data or does a comparison.

Claiming the coveted top result on Google isn’t easy to do without the right SEO knowledge and strategy. That’s where the digital marketing experts at Acara Partners come in! We can help you elevate your ranking with proven tools and techniques, helping your content:

  • Reach a large audience
  • Have long-lasting visibility
  • Bring about brand awareness
  • Drive organic traffic and generate leads
  • Shape your positive digital reputation
  • Support your overall marketing efforts
Contact us to learn more about how our content marketing expertise and capabilities can help your aesthetic medical practice increase online visibility, leads, sales and profits.

5 SEO Tips to Improve Your Ranking


woman using a search engine on her phone

5 SEO Tips to Improve Your Ranking

January 15, 2024

Organic search is one of the main sources of website traffic, so being visible on Google is essential to maintaining your business’ online presence. Whether you are in the process of building your practice’s website, just launched it or are looking to elevate your current visibility status, leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) is key. With so many websites out there, there’s never a guarantee you’ll appear at the top spot of search results, but there are steps you can take to improve your ranking over time.

We asked our SEO experts at Acara Partners for their top tips and tricks to effectively implement SEO into the creation of your website and utilize it on a regular basis — here’s what they recommend:

1. Use a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords

One benefit to using long-tail keywords is that they allow you to be more specific and ensure that your content can be found by the target audience searching for it. However, this can also mean that those words have a low search volume. Short-tail keywords often offer a higher search volume and more website traffic. One challenge with these words is that they require more SEO effort on your part because they are so broad in topic and can be difficult to rank. Therefore, the best strategy here is to use a mix of both throughout your content.

2. Optimize your keyword usage

While you may be tempted to use keyword stuffing as an “easy” way to improve SEO, web crawlers can spot this overuse and ultimately have the site demoted in the SERPs (search engine results pages), lowering your rank. Instead, we recommend using keywords in moderation throughout paragraph text, headers and meta descriptions where they fit naturally.

3. Take advantage of backlinks

Your relationships with other companies or local businesses can be instrumental in improving your SEO. By having other websites link to your website, or a specific page on your website, you can increase your traffic as well as your ranking. This is because search engines will recognize that other websites trust you enough to link directly to your site. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher you can rank.

4. Don’t overload your pages with code

While they can be attractive, large and code-heavy web elements can hurt page load speed. Online visitors will not want to stay on a website that’s slow to load or difficult to navigate. It’s important to check in on the health of your website pages often and make adjustments to improve user functionality and experience.

5. Create and use branded keywords

An easy way to rank high for keywords is to make your own. This can be the name of your medspa, a unique treatment that only you offer or the name of your medspa along with a non-branded service you offer. Once you’ve established recognizable names for your memberships, events, seasonal specials, etc., consistently using those branded keywords can help your customers find you more easily.

Contact us today to learn more about developing an SEO strategy with Acara Partners to outrank your competitors and accelerate your practice’s success.