Archives for June 15, 2024

4 Reasons Why You Need a Monthly Social Media Strategy


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4 Reasons Why You Need a Monthly Social Media Strategy

June 15, 2024

Does your practice have a social media strategy in place? Or are you just posting on the fly, wherever and whenever you can? Your answer can be a huge determining factor in the success of your efforts. At Acara Partners, we know that a strong social media strategy is crucial for fostering a loyal audience, building user engagement and increasing leads.

If you’re looking to step up your social media game, here are the top reasons why you need a monthly strategy, according to our experts:

#1: Social media is one of the biggest drivers of engagement.

No matter your target audience, odds are they are on at least one social media platform. There are few places where you can have as big of an impact as on social media, where engaging content and paid advertising can reach a wider audience than you ever thought possible. With that mind, you want to make your contributions to your social pages count. A clear strategy will consider what content is performing best, how your competitors are generating buzz and what goals to set to see the best results.

#2: Knowing how to promote services and products on a social platform is different from regular marketing efforts.

Traditional marketing efforts have been forever changed by the internet, making them more expensive, less targeted and more difficult to measure. Social media marketing allows you to target specific demographics, create budget-friendly campaigns, foster lasting engagement and measure the success of your efforts. A data-driven strategy considers more than location, gender and age; today’s social media management tools can also provide metrics about behaviors and purchasing patterns to create more personalized campaigns.

#3: Your social media profile is an important reflection of your brand.

If you’re not fully engaged on social media, you’re being left out of the conversation both your audience and your competitors are having. Your page is a key source of information for potential clients, so it’s important to effectively manage your brand’s online reputation. Replying to comments and direct messages, posting frequently and consistently and building relationships with influential accounts are just some of the steps you can take to create a positive brand image.

#4: Rising demographics utilize social media as a purchasing tool.

Today’s era of social media has a large focus on commerce. For many people, social media is one of the first places they will visit to determine whether they will buy your product or service. With a strategy in place, you can identify where you may be losing out on potential sales and modify your efforts, such as sharing client experiences and encouraging them to do the same on their own pages. After all, one of the biggest influences on consumer purchasing decisions are the reviews and recommendations of other users.

At Acara Partners, our marketing experts can provide the strategy for all your digital efforts, including your online social media presence. Our experts not only create monthly social media calendars with optimal posting dates and times, but also know how to best fill them with industry-relevant content that drives engagement.

Contact us today to learn how we can optimize your digital marketing efforts with a customized, data-driven social media strategy.